Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just reflecting

I have been sitting here thinking and it just hit me that I have so much to be thankful for. As I sit back and reflect on the way things were in my rad world not even a year ago I realized that I havent heard the ugly words my little guy used to say so often. "I hate you grandma", Youre stupid", Shut-up", "You cant make me", "Im gonna kill you". I havent seen the anger in his little eyes, the defiance in his looks.
God I thought I would never get past those days. Its been a week or more since I have seen my little guy and I miss him more than words can ever express, but I am so thankful for the behaviors I dont see anymore and could live a life time without seeing them again.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Praying for Miracles sometimes they do come true

For a long time now I have been sitting in the background watching and waiting for things to explode. Much to my amazement nothing has happened out of the ordinary. Maybe my little guy is changing and learning to manage.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear Lord

Living my life in the distance now seems so much harder than I ever expected. I often find myself praying that my little guy someday will stand the chance in life that all our children so deserve.

"Dear Lord please take our children and wrap your loving arms around them, guide them down the winding path of life. Keep them safe from all the evil that they have all ready endured and protect them in the future. Give them the strength to grow and feel the love that surrounds them"